The Bouncebackability Podcast

Presenting Bouncebackability with Simon and Rusty | Episode 1

Rusty Ernshaw and Simon Ursell Season 1 Episode 1

Welcome to the first episode of the Bouncebackability podcast! Fasten your seat belts, we’re in for a bouncy ride.

In this episode, Rusty and Simon share their motivation behind setting up the pod and its aim to provide genuine insight, as well as ideas how we can navigate unknown territories and the potential to use these experiences to thrive, not just survive, during challenging times.  

Simon and Rusty give a glimpse into the impressive guest list and share some of their own experiences that have formed the work they do now. 

If you are interested in confronting the boundaries of normality and equipping yourself with new perspectives, this podcast is for you.

Please like, subscribe and follow, so you're notified of any new episodes coming up, and if you're keen to reach Rusty or Simon with any suggestions, feedback or comments, you can contact them via the show's LinkedIn page here:

Simon Ursell [00:00:00]:

Simon and Rusty here with the Bounce Back Ability Podcast, the podcast that explores how to deal with obstacles, setbacks and challenge. Hope you enjoy the pod, looking forward to it. Listen on, Simon.

Rusty Earnshaw [00:00:13]:

We find ourselves in the cotswolds, sat in a room with your new fandangle microphone.

Simon Ursell [00:00:19]:

Yeah, they're pretty cool, aren't they? I mean, they're blowing my mind using.

Rusty Earnshaw [00:00:22]:

This technology, three of them, just in case. How come, like, we're doing the bandspack ability podcast. What was the thinking behind this?

Simon Ursell [00:00:30]:

Well, I mean, you and I have been talking quite a bit, haven't we, about challenges around at the moment. I mean, inflation is going crazy. There's been a pandemic, you may have noticed. The pace of technological change is huge. AI all you got to do is doom scroll for a few minutes and you're starting to get a bit stressed, aren't you? And we both thought, wow, how come there are people around who are absolutely smashing it, despite all these things? And I think we're both quite curious as to as to what makes them tick and if there's some things that we might learn and might be able to share with other people.

Rusty Earnshaw [00:01:05]:

Yeah, it actually made me think a lot about the start of the pandemic, if I'm honest. I don't know if you remember, but before I'd even heard what Zoom was, you said, oh, I've signed up for some Zoom accounts. This is what we're going to do. We're going to split the team up into these groups. And I was thinking, this guy's crazy. What is he doing? It's going to be fine.

Simon Ursell [00:01:23]:

I'm still crazy.

Rusty Earnshaw [00:01:23]:

Come on. Yeah, but again, some of these we're not just talking about stuff going on. We're talking about being proactive pre morteming, like solving problems, being creative, and then trying to I guess what we've tried to do is get on, like, people from all different walks of lives, scientists, sports, Google, various places, psychologists and just get their take on it to hopefully better equip people for probably preventing the bounces, but also dealing with them.

Simon Ursell [00:01:56]:

Yeah, sure. I mean, you're going to have a bounce, aren't you? I mean, everyone's going to have some bounces occasionally. And is it something that helps you get better or is it something that's going to keep you down? And there are definitely I mean, we're definitely going to be some ways that you can help the chances of you bouncing back from these things you're going to learn from some people. I'm personally just fascinated. You're talking to some pretty world class people, aren't we? I mean, we're very lucky. First three episodes, we got Phoebe Shetler, who's NFL coach, first Women's AFL coach, I think, for the Buffalo Bills. Pretty impressive lady. We're talking to Mike Parrot about a four day week. I mean, that's a pretty bouncy thing to do, I can tell you. And we got Suzanne Brown, superb sport, world class sports psychologist, talking about and that's just the first three. And we got some stunning guests coming on later as well. So I'm just fascinated to see their perspective and I'm hoping that we can help people take away some ideas and become more resilient because I think we all need that.

Rusty Earnshaw [00:03:01]:

Yeah. Kirk, who's going to be on as well from Google, often talks about diverse perspectives. I think it's a key word there. And actually, what principles can we suck out of other worlds? So the reality is this is multifaceted, isn't it? So when you're in business and something like COVID hits, then there's a psychological element to it. Google might want to break the rules. You got to break the rules. Actually. Everyone's had to do communication slightly differently. Mike at IgM, as you know, because obviously nonexecuting with him has had to navigate moving from a five day to a four day week. And of course, now we ask people, why would you do a five day week? Four day week?

Simon Ursell [00:03:43]:

Five day week is weird.

Rusty Earnshaw [00:03:44]:

Yeah. So I think it's multifaceted. So I guess that's the crux of, isn't it? Like trying to get people with slightly different perspectives, as you said, that can hopefully inform us and I think it'll be some pretty cool CPD for me and you as well, if I'm honest.

Simon Ursell [00:03:57]:

Yeah. I mean, selfishly, I think we're going to learn tons. Exciting, isn't it? Hopefully we'll get some genuine insights too. I mean, I'm hoping over the course of time we'll build up a real library of themes and things that we can reflect on, say, I think occasionally we'll pause and maybe do a bit of a summary and maybe put some stuff out there that we've learned through the podcasts. Try and keep them short and snappy. Definitely under an hour. That's my attention span anyway. I don't know about you. So that, yeah, we get some genuine, decent learning out of this experience.

Rusty Earnshaw [00:04:32]:

Yeah, it's probably a good nudge to me and you, who could talk quite a lot, though we probably want to let the guests talk more than try.

Simon Ursell [00:04:41]:

Definitely going to give it a go.

Rusty Earnshaw [00:04:42]:

But I don't know, I guess maybe a nudge to people out there as well is if they think of some people they'd love to have on. Like, again, we're here to learn from this process as well, so, like, contact us, reach out to us on LinkedIn, Twitter, wherever it might be, and share some thoughts.

Simon Ursell [00:04:58]:

We can bring those people in as well, for sure. We've got some great people coming on, but, yeah, we want to get as wide and diverse a group of people as we possibly can. Assuming my It skills are up to it. Rusty, I mean, I am the one doing the sound here and those that know me are going to be fairly terrified by that. Thoughts?

Rusty Earnshaw [00:05:18]:

I feel a little bit like a bomb disposal expert at the moment, trying to work out which wires go there. And if we do this, which microphone goes off?

Simon Ursell [00:05:25]:

Well, if this goes out and it's actually worked, that's going to be the first miracle that I've managed to actually record something. So, yeah, that's going to be a learning experience, too. Sound Engineer it's another tick for my CV. Plus, we're going to be traveling around quite a bit, aren't we? So we're going to go to them. We're going to do some online summing cafes, some in a cafe.

Rusty Earnshaw [00:05:47]:

Actually, it's been interesting with my pod as well. Having done one in Australia in person, I just noticed it was really different to online. So I think that personal, us getting out there into their worlds, in their context, like sharing conversations, is going to be super cool. And of course, I know you're already thinking about the food at Google.

Simon Ursell [00:06:11]:

Yes, I am very excited about the food at Google. I'm slightly worried I'm not going to be allowed anywhere near it. Have they got enough food in Google? I mean, are we going to warn them?

Rusty Earnshaw [00:06:21]:

Cool. So, look, anyone, again, any feedback, any stuff, we'd appreciate it. Hope you enjoy the pod.

Simon Ursell [00:06:27]:

Yeah, looking forward to it. Listen on.

Rusty Earnshaw [00:06:31]:

Thanks so much for joining us on the Band Specibility podcast with Samar and Russell. We've really enjoyed your company. If you want to reach out to us, Simon, I can reach you up.

Simon Ursell [00:06:41]:

LinkedIn's best place. Simon Ursul, you are s for sugar. E-L-L. Send me a message. Rusty, where can we find you?

Rusty Earnshaw [00:06:47]:

TikTok no, not really. LinkedIn, russell and Shaw and then the same on Twitter. But please ignore all my political thoughts.

Simon Ursell [00:06:55]:

Yeah, second that.

Rusty Earnshaw [00:06:56]:

Over and out.

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